- Ohio state law mandates the teaching of sexual health instruction on HIV/STIs through “venereal disease education,” though it is not required to be comprehensive.
- All sex ed curricula must emphasize abstinence.
- Sex ed curricula are not required to include instruction on sexual orientation, gender identity, or consent.
- Upon written request of a parent or guardian, a student may be excused from receiving any or all sex education instruction. This is referred to as an “opt-out” policy. If any education beyond the mandated topics is provided, prior parental consent must be obtained. This is referred to as an “opt-in” policy.
Bills to Watch
- HB 8 was introduced in 2023. This would require local boards of education to adopt a policy promoting parental involvement, notifying them prior to any instruction on “sexually explicit content,” allowing them to review this material, and notifying parents of any emotional or mental health change in students (also known as a “forced outing” clause). It would prohibit school personnel from encouraging student to withhold information about their wellbeing.
Some Sex Ed Advocates Within the State
For more detailed information on how various districts in the state have been implementing these standards — and for recent legislation — you can read SIECUS’s Ohio profile.